0151 608 9078
If you work in a position which requires you to operate equipment, your employer has a duty to ensure that the work equipment that they provide is suitable for the task for which it is to be used and that the risks posed are minimal.
Although employers can undertake all the safety measures, such as ensure that it is maintained and inspected and instructions are provided on how to use this equipment, accidents can still happen. Our experience in dealing with such injuries means our team can provide a legal solution that gets you back on the right track to return to work as soon as possible.
With a Personal Injury specialist at Kirwans, you will receive regular updates on your case as well as 75% compensation on a “No Win No Fee” basis.
To talk to a Personal Injury solicitor about your compensation claim, contact Kirwans today on 0151 608 9078 or complete our online enquiry form.
Sustaining an injury from an accident that was not your fault can be a traumatic experience and can have long-term and even life-changing, consequences on your day to day life.
Each year we help clients throughout England and Wales successfully receive the compensation they deserve.
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