Cycling Accidents

We'll set you on the road to recovery

Whether you are cycling for exercise, competing in a race or using a bike to travel to work, you expect cycle lanes, cycling paths and routes to be safe.

Unfortunately, cyclists are some of the most vulnerable individuals on the roads in the UK. In 2022 alone 91 cyclists were killed, with over 4,000 being seriously injured.

Crash statistics on bicycles suffer from significant under-reporting compared to other types of road users, as they are often not documented by the police. If you have been involved in a cyclist accident which resulted in an injury to you which was not your fault, you can seek compensation.

If you have sustained an injury following a cycling accident, you may be able to make a claim for compensation if;

• Another road user's actions caused the incident

• The road or cycle lane was in a poor and defective condition
• Your injury was due to bicycle failure

If the cause of the accident is not listed above, it may still be possible to make a personal injury claim.

The Highway Code – changes you need to know

Changes to the Highway Code were introduced on 29 January 2022. The new rules dictate that it is no longer necessary for a cyclist to stay on the left side of the road, or indeed to use any designated cycle lane. Instead, cyclists are told to ride “No less than half a metre” from the kerb or verge. This places a greater responsibility on motorists to overtaking cyclists safely. To all intents and purposes, car drivers should treat cyclists as another driver when overtaking them.

Pedestrians and cyclists also now have priority at junctions. This requires drivers to let pedestrians/cyclists cross if they’re waiting at the roadside on a junction. Previously, motorists only had to give way in these circumstances if the pedestrian/cyclist was already crossing.

These new rules should help address many of the everyday problems cyclists face on the roads and avoid cyclist accidents with other road users.

How to make a bicycle accident claim?

Our experienced team will guide you through your options and will advise on the prospects of your case. Kirwans Solicitors has years of experience in successful supporting victims of cycling accidents, helping them to secure compensation for their physical and psychological injuries, expenses caused by the accident, loss of income and damage to your bicycle.

Our focus is to ensure a stress-free process for you throughout your case with the best possible outcome to ensure you get back on track as quickly as possible.

Your Personal Injury Team

Kirwans Personal Injury team will provide specialist legal guidance to advise you on the best steps to be awarded 75% compensation on a “No Win No Fee” basis for your injury.

To talk to a personal injury solicitor about your compensation claim, contact our team today on 0151 608 9078 or complete an online enquiry form.

We advise our clients from the outset to take out an ‘After The Event’ (ATE) Legal Expenses Insurance Policy which would be deductible from damages upon successful conclusion of your claim for damages.

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Sustaining an injury from an accident that was not your fault can be a traumatic experience and can have long-term and even life-changing, consequences on your day to day life.

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